24th DEC 2006
its the eve of xmas and it marks the one year anniversary that i worked in topshop. thats fast. and i am doing afternoon shift today. i dragged myself to work. so dead. lucky that my dad was there to send me to work. work was horrbile. people were enjoying their xmas and i was working like a mad cow. arggghs. but here comes the surprise! haha. love it to the core man. =). went to joey's house. see that big bowl of mee up there. it was specially served for me. haa=D ton over at his house and its seems to be chinese new year rather than xmas i guess. haa. gambling . played a few rounds and i just sit there and watch.
25th DEC 2006
merry christmas! after one and a half hours of sleep i went to work and i am so glad that dad was there to send me to work. initially we didn't go and have breakfast together as i was just in time to go work. =P it was glenn's last day of work. i was touched by glenn. we used to be close but due to something we didn't talk for months. the sentence he told me made my tap flow like hell. he said why must we talk and cherish one another when its his last day. he also said lets forget the past and move on. 24th DEC 2005 was the first day i knew him. but now its his last day of work. i will definetely miss him. ='(
after work, rushed down to meet up with girlfriends. we exchanged present at bus stop. tell me who will do that man. haha. and and and i finally puke. i puke at the grass. i wasn't feeling well after my break. got home, showered, open presents and went straight to bed at 11. cos i wanted to rest more, hoping that i will feel better after sleep.
in the end i got fever thru out the night. the bed was so hot man and the feeling was so sucky. struggled thru out the whole night.
26th DEC 2006
texted sham in the morningat 645am saying that i am not going to work. i was looking forward to work today cos it start at 8am and it was the set up for end season sale. it will be fun. end up i can't go. and and and i wun have my friday off cos i am on mc for today and tmrw. darn! mc tmrw. i guess i shall rest at home. 5 more days and its 2007. thats fast.
its the best christmas among the past few years. thanks friends! sorry for belated xmas present =P
i will miss those days we had. lets forget the past and start a new chapter. though its over, at least the memories is there.